Monday 27 May 2013


The old INTEC logo, before privatisation

Behold, the new INTEC logo

Kolej Cemara, Seksyen 18 Shah Alam
This will be the boys' residence

The Offer

2nd January 2013, after I just recently finished my SPM, I got an offer from INTEC, under MARA PRA-SPM scholarship (using MARA's trial result, which is one of MRSM students' advantage). Without having satisfying holiday, I encouraged myself to get prepared to the tertiary education world. Despite that, I really feel motivated to get started with my foundation in Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT). 

The Document Preparation

You have to fill many kinds of document when you are under MARA, and also other sponsors as well. You will need to keep up to date with information regarding the documents of sponsorship. There are some document that you have to print about 4/5 copies and have to get original verification for every single document of the same kind, and not by photostating it (Or you will have TROUBLE when you want to receive your "ELAUNS", you don't want to wait until the end of the year, right?). You have to fulfill every requirement of those documents. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE, although you have been told that you were given time by MARA after registration. Finish them before the registration, for your own good.

Be sure that you have an extra copies of your "penjamin" details (salary slip, IC, etc) and your details also (account book, IC, etc) about 2/3 copies. It will become handy later.

Medical Check-up is another thing, finish it up early. If you just being told to complete it when you have registered, please go do your check-up that weekend, or you'll end up postponed it later than the submission date (this happens to many of my friends, and you can be in the group if you want) not because you are late, but the hospital itself, especially governments, as it is not only you who want to do the check-up. Prepare enough fees for the check-up.

The Registration

You will have to triple check what the offer letter have said, as I'd forgotten to pay the registration fee. You have to pay the fee before you come to INTEC, or you will have some trouble (or some delay, but you must pay first before the registration can proceed). Keep in mind that you must pay in advance via BANK IN, not on the spot (they will never compromise). Fortunately there is Bank Islam nearby, so you can settle everything there (they open at 8.30 am).

You have to also triple check the related documents, and don't forget to bring them (and print them of course). You have to complete all the necessary information. Do keep in mind also to keep a note about your parent's salaries, your account number and your emergency contact person information. 

The Residence

Usually, the newcomers (boys) will have to stay in Cendana (very far apart from INTEC and limited choice of shops around, but they do have newer facilities), but maybe that's only for June/July intake, so for those who are staying in Cemara, there are so much convenient in front of the college. Around the college, there are many overseas flags (where some how you will be proud of it, but now its old and inglorious). Near to Cemara is the Akasia College, the recently-refurnished girls' residence.

The room in Cemara is quite old (what do you expect from a 1970 something apartment?). But some of the blocks have been refurnished, with tiles floor and new toilet, SOME. So for semester 1, I got block 5 (with concrete flooring, but covered with rubber carpet). Sometimes they carry out refurnishing even when you are still living in the apartment, but it wont took too long. In an apartment, it will have two bedrooms and 3, really small rooms (toilet, pantry and balcony)

Usually, the newbies will have to undergo a two-weeks long orientation programme, but for the January intake, it is only for a week. But that's when INTEC was still under UiTM. Recently (in April 2013), INTEC is officially a private institution, where some changes have been done.

You will be able to leave (and enter) the college ground from 6.30 a.m. to 11 p.m.. When you leave for INTEC in the weekday morning, make sure you wear your name tag, or the college's police will hold you off. Although you will be able to go through the gate without it in other times, just make sure to go out with your student card in pocket, you don't know the police's moods (They are literally police). 

If you have any problem with the facilities at your apartment, report them immediately at INTEC (at the Fasiliti). Reporting it at the college's office may cause delay, or even no response (my experience).

The bedroom (after putting my stuff)

The Block 5

The Studytop

The Pantry Sink (a rare case scenario)
I made that technology btw...

The Subjects

Unfortunately, I have to undergo an accelerated syllabus, that is for one year instead of one year and a half (yeah fast enough to get flying, but it will totally consume your energy and brain power, seriously, imagine to study 3 semesters of SPM in one semester). For me, I have to take these subjects for my Biotechnology course (this will be the same for biology-related courses) :
1. Biology
2. Chemistry
3. Mathematical Studies
4. English as Secondary Language Studies (ESLS)
5. Physics (For the fifth subject, it is optional to pick between three subjects that are Malay Studies, Research Project and Physics, I will explain the details later)
6. CTIS (Islamic Studies, except if you are non-muslim, then have to take CTES, Moral Studies)

The graphic calculator (only the AUSMATians use it)

The AUSMAT Biology Textbook

Other AUSMAT books...

The campus is at Seksyen 17, so you have to ride the provided bus every weekday morning to go there (except of you have your own transport, motorcycles can be parked inside, whereas cars have to be parked outside, safety is important, don't risk anything). 

I am located, initially, in Elliston (a class name, yeah I know, but they name the classes based on your oversea country's local places). Then after I have chose Physics as my fifth subject, I had to change to Eucla. Basically, except for engineering course, you can choose your fifth SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) subject (yes, you have to take 5 subjects, not a lot, but depends on which subject you have to take). 

Malay studies is almost like the good old SPM Bahasa Melayu, except this time its Australian-based syllabus and you have LISTENING (orang putih cakap bahasa melayu memang lawak, you will giggle during the exam). The subject's lecturer is very friendly and sporting, and this subject is very student-friendly (at least that's what I think when I observe the students, very happening, siap main prank lagi waktu kelas). And yes, you have a novel, Will and William, a malay novel with some unknown ancient malay words (and this time, you don't have a KOMSAS reference book).

The other is Research Project, more like an investigation where you have to find a problem and create a solution for that. This is a very hectic subject (not merely a subject though). Warning : Very hectic and require a non-procrastinate person to take it. But fortunately, you only have to take it for one semester, them you are free in the second semester to study the rest for the SACE examination (but you have to score very well for the other four, its complicated to explain). 

Me, in the other hand, taking physics,a nightmare (but it is easier to be understood than chemistry). I don't know how I ended up taking this subject, but what the heck, I took it because my thirst for knowledge and because of the advancing world of engineering, which is also my passion (and I'm the only boy in my biotechnology batch who took physics). Total chapters is 16, and physics is the winner for the most chapters in one subject (and the only subject with two books).

For other sponsors, they will specify. Don't worry, it'll be physics.

Warning : Mathematical Studies will not be easy (it's additional math˄2)

Class of Eucla 2013
My Awesome Classmates (3 Boys, 11 Girls)
(P.S. They were making an E...)

The Syllabus

Each subject (except for Mathematics, I think) there will be :
70% Internal Assessment, including
-Issue Analysis 
ESLS : 1500 words report of a given issue 
Sciences : Laboratory practical, lab manual and report preparation, designing your won experiment
-Issue Investigation 
ESLS and Sciences : 1500 words report of a debatable issue.
-Internal Examination (minor, final semester and trial) and Quiz (almost every week)

My ESLS Issue Investigation, a three-day nightmare

Lab Time (Biology)

30% External Examination 
-Final SACE Examination in November, as early as 7 a.m.
(The examination timetable have been prepared as early as the early of the year, even though you will be taking it in November)


In the end, the SACE Board will took the top four subject you scored. They sum it up into an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking). They have this complicated calculation for your ATAR, so I will not discuss how to calculate your ATAR. For MARA, you will have to exceed the ATAR of 85% to fly, certified hard by lecturers :).

The University Admission

For MARA, you will have the opportunity to choose the university of your choice, in New Zealand or Australia. For other sponsors, expect them to pick it for you.

The INTEC Library,
 located in the campus at Seksyen 17 Shah Alam

The New Adventure

If you are not from Selangor, then living here will be an adventure, I guarantee. You will start to like hanging out at KLCC, Midvalley, Subang Parade, you name it. For me, I often went out, almost fortnightly. But considering my limited pocket money and nearing exam, I'd reduced. Explore Malaysia when you have time before you fly.

The KLCC (I took this picture during my copyright)

The KTM, a public transportation you will ever ride there.

Getting back from Midvalley

I'm not only talking about physical adventure, but also the experience. You will meet all kinds of people and attitude. You must learn to adapt and accept them if you can. We are getting mature as we age, thanks to these people, as they expose the true colours of the real world. 

INTEC is the place where you expect to feel like at school in a university atmosphere. You will still be in classes, and have a CR (Class Representative). This is what special about INTEC. Some lecturer will be helpful and some are not, so you are on your own. Not like SPM teachers, where I believed they spoon fed us everything back then. You will have to manage your time properly, between your study and enjoyment. 

That's all...
sorry for my unforgivable grammar :)